Legal notes
Legal notes in brief- Basic principle: inviolable freedom of speech
- Copyright: do not copy anything!
- Liability: you visit this website at your own risk!
- Access: you can access this website only if authorized and only for lawful reasons.
- Links: We are not responsible for external links. Please feel free to link to our website (and let us know... Thanks!)
- Personal data: we do not collect any personal data. Do not send us spam. Do not forward our e-mail addresses.
- Acceptance: by visiting this website you agree to be bound to all these rules, with no exception.
Here it is.
Basic principles:
- "All persons have the right to express freely their ideas by word, in writing and by all other means of communication." (Article 21 Italian Constitution)
- "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers." (article 10 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights)
- "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression" (Article 19 Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
- "The freedom and confidentiality of correspondence and of every other form of communication is inviolable." (Article 15 Italian Constitution)
The website is founded on the freedom of speech, as recognized and protected by national and international laws, as an inviolable and fundamental right of all human beings. It is not subject to authorizations or interference. Moreover the right to confidentiality while communicating is also granted by law.
Definitions designates the website, its owners, webmasters or authors. The term "User" designates all those who visit this website, even indirectly or through automated systems.
All website content (such as- but not limited to- images, graphics, logos, animations, music, sounds, text and source) is protected by national and international Copyright laws. Unauthorized copy and/or transmission of any part of this website is forbidden. Trademarks, names and logos which may be cited and/or displayed on remain in the property of the respective owners. Their presence on this website does not necessarily imply any relationship with, or any right of use whatsoever. Unauthorized downloading and saving of the website is forbidden, except for page caching.
If on you find something you claim to be yours - or copyrighted by you, please let us know and, if it is the case, we will remove it.
Limitation on liability does not intentionally contain any malware. Notwithstanding, cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage or consequence, caused by the use or the access to this website. Any information is under the responsibility of the respective authors. Access may be suspended at any time. All content may change or be removed without warning. This website can only be used according to the laws of the state where you are based and/or the jurisdiction which may apply. In any case the inviolable and universal freedom of access to information, as well as the other rules of these legal notes must be respected.
Access forbidden
It is forbidden to access for unlawful purposes. You are NEVER allowed to collect e-mail addresses, even automatically. Moreover military and paramilitary bodies, police forces and similar entities and persons, detectives, public and private inspectors etc. cannot access even indirectly or through another person, and even in case of investigation of any type, if not explicitly authorized by
All links to external websites have been verified. Nevertheless cannot be held responsible for their content. If it's the case, please contact the linked site's webmaster, and inform us on the matter.
"Folgender einiger Urteile (u.a. das vom 12. Mai 1998 - 312 O 85/98 "Haftung für Links" der Landgericht in Hamburg) hiermit distanzieren wir uns ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller gelinkten Seiten auf diesem Website."
For the same reasons we are not responsible for the content of websites linking to
If you want to link to us, pleas feel free to do so, and let us know. We do not authorize negative or defamatory links to The decision of on this matter is final and without appeal.
Personal data
We at do not collect any personal data on the users. The only information collected is anonymous and used for statistical purposes, as well as to protect the rights of, its owners and webmasters. The e-mail addresses you use to contact will never be sold or otherwise given to third parties. However we cannot guarantee the non-disclosure of your personal data and information when it is not under our control. These may, infact, be intercepted and used by third parties, for ex. when they are sent through a non-encrypted e-mail system.
For this reason we recommend you to use encrypted e-mails, if authorized by your country.
If you access you agree to be bound to these legal notes, without "ifs" or "buts". If you do not agree you are not authorized to access to this website and you are obliged to immediately erase all files from your computer.
Non-compliance to these rules can have legal consequences.